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Inscrivez-vous à l'infolettre et obtenez un code rabais sur votre première commande en ligne.
* En vous inscrivant, vous acceptez de recevoir des e-mails marketing. Consultez notre politique de confidentialité.
Most popular questions
What are the delivery times ?
What are the delivery times ?
Your order will be processed within 3 to 4 business days following the transaction, then delivered in 2 to 12 business days depending on your address and the service chosen.
In the event of a stock shortage, the delivery time may be extended. You will be informed by email or telephone if additional time is necessary.
How to make a return or exchange?
How to make a return or exchange?
Sign into your account :
- Go to our site and click "Log in" at the top right.
- Enter your email and password, then click "Login."
Access your orders:
- Click on your name at the top right.
- Select "Order History".
- Choose the order to return:
Find the order with the item you want to return.
- Click "Return an item".
Select the reason for the return:
Choose the reason that corresponds to your return (for example, "Defective item").
Submit your request:
- Add comments if necessary.
- Click “Submit”.
Follow the return instructions:
- Wait for our approval email with return instructions.
- Package the item and send it using your preferred delivery service. Please note that return costs are your responsibility.
Confirm sending:
- Enter your package tracking information into your Shopify account.
Receive your refund or exchange:
- Once the item is received and verified, we will process your refund or exchange.
- You will receive a confirmation email.
- If you have any questions, we are here to help!
Can I cancel my order?
Can I cancel my order?
Yes, you can cancel your order if it has not yet been shipped.
To cancel
Contact us quickly at 418-658-6789 or send an email to with your order number and the reason for cancellation.
Cancellation confirmation
If your order has not been shipped, we will cancel it and issue you a full refund. You will receive a confirmation email once the cancellation has been made.
Orders shipped
If your order has already been shipped, you will not be able to cancel it, but you can return it according to our returns policy. See our FAQ section on “Returns and Exchanges” for further instructions.
Contact us as soon as possible to maximize your chances of cancellation. For questions or additional assistance, contact our customer service. We are here to help you !
Refunds may take a few business days to appear on your statement.