Winter pleasures

Herd of horses running in the snow

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For some, our Quebec winters rhyme with freezing temperatures, a loss of energy and even sometimes, a desire to leave the country for a sunny destination. However, winter contains a multitude of equestrian activities and a great opportunity to experience unforgettable equestrian adventures with family and friends. You guessed it, this article will focus on winter pleasures. We have put together the best winter equestrian activities for you and they will be presented to you accompanied by little tips that might be useful to you. These activity suggestions will help you enrich your winters and allow you to continue practicing your equestrian passion all year round.

Ski-Joering: Do you know the discipline?

The first activity that we found for you is very pleasant: here is skijoring. It is an equestrian discipline that is gradually growing in Quebec. This sport combines both alpine skiing and horseback riding. You can practice skijoring with a harnessed horse or pony that pulls a skier. There are also some skijoring competitions. To practice this sport, you must have adequate equipment. The ski suit is required with a mandatory helmet in the event of a fall. However, it is super important to have skis of a maximum of 1.50 meters to be sure not to bother the horse. A minimum distance of 40 centimeters must separate the skier and the horse. The horse must have a harness.
There are two ways to go skijoring. The first is done solo and you lead your horse yourself. The second is practiced with a rider on the horse and a skier behind. You can do it alone and lead your horse yourself or have a rider on the horse and a skier behind. The best place to practice this discipline is in a fenced arena or on a trail.
For the more adventurous, there are also some skijoring competitions.

The hitch: Stay warm and enjoy!

The second activity that we found for you is hitching. This sport is ideal to practice with friends. A short walk in the woods, under the blankets, coffee or hot chocolate in hand, allows you to escape from everyday life and facilitates contact with nature. It’s not just recreational driving that’s practiced in Quebec. Competition driving is also very popular. Several equestrian centers offer carriage rides in Quebec.
For those who compete, there are different disciplines. There is dressage, marathon and maneuverability. These tests aim to evaluate the competence and ability of the leader and allow testing of the good physical condition, honesty and flexibility of the horses.

Horseback riding: with the whole family!

The third activity that we have found for you is horseback riding. Contrary to what many believe, horseback riding can be practiced in both winter and summer. Just like hitching, there are several equestrian centers that offer tourist hiking services in Quebec. These equestrian centers allow you to rent a horse and go hiking with a guide. It’s also a great activity to do with friends/family. These equestrian centers are developed to offer you trails that will help you discover the fauna and flora of the region, but also landscapes that will take your breath away! For horseback riding, adequate equipment allows for a very relaxing ride. You can also hike on your own if you have a horse at your disposal.
To find a certified equestrian center that offers hiking, you can click on the Cheval Québec website.

A few wise tips for your activities this winter.

  • The weather is your ally: it is important to adapt to the weather. If the weather is cold, opt for warmer clothing with several layers. You will manage to keep your heat and enjoy all of your activity.
  • Safety first: opt for a small first aid kit in case of need.
  • Keep in touch: it is essential to constantly have an effective means of communication with someone in the event of a problem. Always tell someone when you are going to do an activity alone.
  • The famous checklist: if you are leaving for one or more days, make a checklist to be sure you have everything in hand. You avoid unpleasant surprises several kilometers from home.
  • Check your equipment: it is super important to always check the condition of your equipment before leaving to do an activity. It is unfortunate to spoil an activity due to equipment breakdown. Also, by checking the condition of your equipment, you could avoid an accident.
With these tips and equestrian activities to try, you could change your riding routine and enjoy more of our beautiful Quebec winter. Dare to go out and explore! You will discover winter and your passion in a new light. If you have been inspired by our advice and recommendations, share with us your favorite equestrian activities to practice in winter, don't hesitate to let us know!